- Coeur d’Alene Mountains
- There is a warming tent about a mile into the hike.
- Excellent

The trail starts out on Lakes Divide Road, which soon crosses a pipeline easement. Follow the pipeline easement straight up; this will get the heart rate going and warm you up. Take a right on the logging road above (alternatively, continue on Lakes Divide Road and take a left at the large parking area a few hundred yards uphill). Soon you get to an intersection; going right would lead back to Lakes Divide Road, which is called Skywalker during the winter :). Instead, take a left and follow the trail (called Twisted Klister) uphill to the saddle (there is one additional intersection along the way; bear right).

At the saddle you will typically find a warming hut during the winter months. This is also a major intersection. Going right leads back to Skywalker. Going left drops sharply downhill. Choose the middle road, which is the one with the tank traps; it is called Making Tracks. After just a short while you come to a Y. You could go either way, but going right is nicer when snowshoeing (on skis go straight). This will climb up to the ridge, followed by an equal descent on the other side. Back on Making Tracks, keep going south until the trail meets up with Skywalker again; only it’s now called Moonwalker. Bear right for a bit at first, and then go left. Keep going on Moonwalker until you meet the Y to Killarney Mountain. It isn’t marked, but the Killarney Mountain road is barred by a metal gate on the left (it’s around the 3-mile mark). From here it’s uphill on a wide forest road, which seems to curl around the mountain. You’ll know you’re at the top when you’re at the tower. You can keep going a bit further up into the woods, but there really isn’t much of a view.
Alternate Routes
- For variety, stay on Moonwalker/Skywalker on the way back
Things to Consider
Not so great